Aloha Thierry,

Thierry Banel <> writes:

> Hi again Thomas
> Probably the issue is not in orgtbl-to-sqlinsert,
> because orgtbl-to-sqlinsert does not receive the header of the table.
> Here is another fix which just recovers the lost header and passes it to
> orgtbl-to-sqlinsert:
> ---8<----------------------->8---
> *** Experiment with orgtbl-sqlinsert
> #+name: test-table
> | one | two    |
> |-----+--------|
> |   1 | Buckle |
> |   2 | Shoe   |
> |   3 | Open   |
> |   4 | Door   |
> #+name: test-bed
> #+header: :var x=test-table
> #+begin_src emacs-lisp
> (require 'orgtbl-sqlinsert)
> (orgtbl-to-sqlinsert
>    (cons (cdadr (assoc :colname-names params)) (cons 'hline x))
>   '(:sqlname "foo" :fmt (1 "%s")))
> #+end_src
> #+RESULTS: test-bed
> : INSERT INTO foo( one, two ) VALUES ( 1 , 'Buckle' );
> : INSERT INTO foo( one, two ) VALUES ( 2 , 'Shoe' );
> : INSERT INTO foo( one, two ) VALUES ( 3 , 'Open' );
> : INSERT INTO foo( one, two ) VALUES ( 4 , 'Door' );

Yes, of course, babel takes off the table header and optionally
reapplies it later. I should have thought of that!

Thanks for looking into this and finding the solution.

All the best,

Thomas S. Dye

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