Jambunathan K writes:
> I have my reservations.  With stock Emacs Snapshot (i.e., without any
> separate Org installation - git or elpa) at Bzr version 116124, at line
> 16, I am seeing
>     ;;;###autoload
>     (defvar org-odt-data-dir "/usr/share/emacs/etc/org"
>       "The location of ODT styles.")
> I hard-coded path, on a platform-independent file, makes me cringe?

That's the result of using Emacs' build system, not Org's.  I was only
talking about the latter and if you configure it as recommended on Worg
for the various platforms then installing Org will set this up
correctly.  If you find it does not, then that's a bug I'll try to fix.

+<[Q+ Matrix-12 WAVE#46+305 Neuron microQkb Andromeda XTk Blofeld]>+

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