> I tried two things:
> ;;; file-server.el --- serve any files using Emacs Web Server
> (lexical-let ((docroot "/home/jwhendy/Desktop/e-web-server-test/"))
>   (ws-start
>    (lambda (request)
>      (with-slots (process headers) request
>        (let ((path (substring (cdr (assoc :GET headers)) 1)))
>          (if (ws-in-directory-p docroot path)
>              (if (file-directory-p path)
>                  (ws-send-directory-list process
>                    (expand-file-name path docroot) "^[^\.]")
>                (ws-send-file process (expand-file-name path docroot)))
>            (ws-send-404 process)))))
>    9003))
> - If I go to localhost:9003, I get 404 not found.

Surprising, I don't see that locally, and I don't see how that could be
the case.

> - If I go to localhost:9003/personal.org (I threw my non-work notes
> file into that directory), it downloads the file.

This is expected.  Note, you could serve other file types as well, what
this example was meant to illustrate is how the web-server will set the
mime-type appropriately based on the file type (e.g., serving foo.jpg
with the "image/jpeg" type).

If you only care about Org-mode files, maybe look at example 7.

> Next, I replaced the first line with a full path to personal.org:
> (lexical-let ((docroot 
> "/home/jwhendy/Desktop/e-web-server-test/personal.org"))

This makes no sense.  The docroot should be a directory.

> Now I get the following error (in the browser) for localhost:9003:
> Caught Error: (void-function ws-send-directory-list)
> If I do localhost:9003/personal.org, it also downloads the file.
> I feel I must be drastically overcomplicating this somehow...

I've pushed up a small fix to the directory listing which I originally
wrote too quickly last night.  If you do want to serve files like this
locally then it is probably worth it to update your web-server install
and try again.  If you do update make sure you stop old servers before
starting new ones, e.g., by executing the following.

  (mapc #'ws-stop ws-servers)

> Thanks again for persisting with me!

Sure thing.  Sorry if a bug in my hastily written directory listing made
things more confusing than they needed to be.

> John
> [snipped emacs terminology discussion]
Eric Schulte
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