Hello the list, Back to gnus in order to improve my life in emacs, I meet a very strange problem with org-mime-htmlize. The more surprising fact is that this problem does not appear on my laptop (running with GNU Linux Debian testing) but only with my PC (running also with a Crunchbang + Debian wheezy upgraded to testing). Therefore I have imported my .gnus.el and my init.el from my laptop to my pc, but very strangely the problem persists !
It is the same settings, the same O.S. , even the same org-mime.el and it works on laptop, not on my pc. Here is the error message: Creating LaTeX Image... Failed to create dvi file from /tmp/orgtex11506Npy.tex Auto-saving... I do not know what to do, because I can't guess where the problem is. I send this message with Gnus to say you that your help is very welcome. Jo.