Hi Nicolas and Rick,

Nicolas Goaziou <n.goaz...@gmail.com> writes:

> A new buffer keyword (which needs to be documented in org.texi),
> a defcustom with a completely free sexp... Isn't it a bit too much for
> mere checkboxes?

Personally I think the defcustom is enough, as this choice is likely
to be made for all Org documents.

> Filters provide almost the same functionality:
>   (defun my-checkbox-filter (item backend info)
>     (when (org-export-derived-backend-p backend 'html)
>       (replace-regexp-in-string 
> "\\`.*\\(<code>\\[\\(X\\|&#xa0;\\|-\\)\\]</code>\\).*$"
>                                 (lambda (rep)
>                                   (let ((check (match-string 2 rep)))
>                                     (cond ((equal check "X") "&#x2611;")
>                                           ((equal check "-") "&#x2610;")
>                                           (t "&#x2610;"))))
>                                 item
>                                 nil nil 1)))
>   (add-to-list 'org-export-filter-item-functions 'my-checkbox-filter)

Yes, but a defcustom would be easier.

> Anyway, here are a few comments.
>> +(defcustom org-html-checkbox-type "ascii"
>> +  "The type of checkboxes to use for html export. See
> First line of a docstring has to be a single complete sentence.
>> +(defun org-html-checkbox (checkbox info)
>> +  "Format CHECKBOX into HTML. This can be overriden on a
> Ditto.
>> +    (cdr
>> +     (assoc checkbox
>   (assq checkbox
>> +        (if (listp checkboxes) checkboxes
>> +          (if (string-equal (substring checkboxes 0 1) "(")
>   (if (eq (aref checkboxes 0) ?\()
>> +              (read checkboxes)
> This looks cheesy. `read'? Do you really want to parse arbitrary
> Sexps?

Can we re-work Rick's patch/code and add this feature?  Rick,
are you still on it?



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