Ivan Andrus <darthandrus <at> gmail.com> writes: > > On Dec 9, 2013, at 5:19 AM, Suvayu Ali <fatkasuvayu+linux <at> gmail.com> wrote: > > Technically speaking, it is not exported as a table since you put it as > > part of example block. However a quick test tells me, html export will > > work fine (screenshot attached). However LaTeX export is an entirely > > different story. Unicode support in normal pdflatex is quite > > non-trivial. If you use XeLaTeX, I think you could get it to work with > > some appropriate choice of fonts. I tried libertine and dejavu without > > any luck. > > Would it be possible to export it to \rule when using LaTeX? It wouldn't be text then and you couldn't copy it, > but it should work with any TeX engine regardless of fonts etc. Just a thought. > > -Ivan > >
Right, Suvayu, Unicodes are not universally supported. So, what about coming back to basics ? Just Ascii like that: | x | sin(x/4) | Ascii | |----+-------------+--------------| | 0 | 0 | WWWWWh | | 1 | 0.32719470 | WWWWWWWV | | 2 | 0.61836980 | WWWWWWWWWl | | 3 | 0.84147098 | WWWWWWWWWWW | | 4 | 0.97193790 | WWWWWWWWWWWV | | 5 | 0.99540796 | WWWWWWWWWWWW | | 6 | 0.90929743 | WWWWWWWWWWW; | | 7 | 0.72308588 | WWWWWWWWWW- | | 8 | 0.45727263 | WWWWWWWWl | | 9 | 0.14112001 | WWWWWWl | | 10 | -0.19056796 | WWWWl | | 11 | -0.50127705 | WWl | | 12 | -0.75680250 | W | #+TBLFM: $3='(orgtbl-ascii-draw $2 -0.9290145 0.99540796 12) We remove Unicodes until someone comes with an idea. Ivan, the LaTex \rule might be a (pretty) solution for the LaTex exporter. But then we should also take care of all past and future exporters... Thierry