> The only path that needs to be in load-path is the lisp directory for > org-mode, which is the second line (that you say is "key").
You are right on this which I didn't realize before you pointed out, thanks. Anyways, in my configuration I always have both lines, and I'm going to delete the first line. And also, when I was trying to reproduce the issue in a minimum setup, I deleted the second line then the problem didn't show up which I now realized was simply because I ended up running the `org-mode' shipped with Emacs 24.3, my bad, sorry for the confusion. > Unless you have created your completely original way of "installing" Org, then > only the second line is needed. As explained above, yes, my `org-mode' is in some other path outside of Emacs, e.g., "foo/org-mode", which I had already explained, I'm going to delete the first line. But it doesn't hurt to have the first line anyways right? > If you do have created your own completely original way of "installing" Org, > then please don't expect anybody else to be able to help. It should have been clear by now that this was a "real" problem totally unrelated to "my own completely original way of installing Org" and had been addressed properly. I'm not sure if you had tried my reproducer. > Yes, because you wouldn't load any of the new code. Already explained on this in previous paragraphs. > Maybe because your "installation" is borked, No, my installation had never broken, and as we've all seen, the problem has nothing to do with my "broken installation". > but we can't know because you never provided enough information to tell. I'm pretty sure I had provided pretty effective reproducer with which Nicolas had successfully reproduced the issue. By the way, it took me two hours to isolate it from my own .emacs (over 400KB). > There's a reason for org-submit-bug-report to exist; among other things it > includes information about the Emacs and Org version and clueas as to how the > installation is set up. I didn't know that, thanks for telling me. York