Michael Brand writes: > It shows a difference, see attachements. It looks like but it was not > me loosing some first lines when doing this, I cross-checked :-).
I've had a brief look at this. It seems that some of the differences are due to elp instrumenting a much larger range of functions when org-mode has already initialized vs. when only org-version had been called. Another difference is that when org-mode gets initialized before, org-startup-folded is true, which introduces another slight difference. lisp/org-mode> time emacs --batch -Q -L lisp -l testing/org-batch-test-init.el -l org-loaddefs 400.org 3.748u 0.096s 0:04.22 90.7% lisp/org-mode> time emacs --batch -Q -L lisp -l testing/org-batch-test-init.el -l org-loaddefs 800.org 13.880u 0.068s 0:14.47 96.3% lisp/org-mode> time emacs --batch -Q -L lisp -l testing/org-batch-test-init.el -l org-loaddefs -f org-version 400.org 3.764u 0.072s 0:04.08 93.8% lisp/org-mode> time emacs --batch -Q -L lisp -l testing/org-batch-test-init.el -l org-loaddefs -f org-version 800.org 13.956u 0.072s 0:14.51 96.6% lisp/org-mode> time emacs --batch -Q -L lisp -l testing/org-batch-test-init.el -l org-loaddefs -f org-mode 400.org OVERVIEW 3.736u 0.092s 0:04.16 91.8% lisp/org-mode> time emacs --batch -Q -L lisp -l testing/org-batch-test-init.el -l org-loaddefs -f org-mode 800.org OVERVIEW 13.872u 0.056s 0:14.51 95.9% Once that is out of the equation, there isn't any difference to speak of. Regards, Achim. -- +<[Q+ Matrix-12 WAVE#46+305 Neuron microQkb Andromeda XTk Blofeld]>+ SD adaptation for Waldorf rackAttack V1.04R1: http://Synth.Stromeko.net/Downloads.html#WaldorfSDada