On Nov 22 2013, Bastien <b...@gnu.org> wrote: Hello all,
I have been using a simple bash script with a Makefile to make pdf file to be updated with org source on each save while I am editing. It is working fine for me. Of course its not exactly real time but fast enough feedback for me. I am attaching my files hoping that they may be useful for others. one may need to edit init.el and Makefile for their use case. I run something like this. $ watcher.sh paper.org make Watcher script checks every second to see if the org file is modified and runs make command.
#!/bin/bash FILE="$1" CMD="$2" LAST=`ls -l "$FILE"` while true; do sleep 1 NEW=`ls -l "$FILE"` if [ "$NEW" != "$LAST" ]; then t="$(date +%s)" echo "watcher action started at " $(date) "$CMD" 2>&1 | tee /tmp/wathcer.log.$$ LAST="$NEW" t="$(($(date +%s)-t))" printf "done; %02d:%02d\n" "$((t/60%60))" "$((t%60))" fi done
Description: Binary data
Description: application/emacs-lisp
Thanks., -- ఎందరో మహానుభావులు అందరికి వందనములు. YYR