"Stephen J. Barr" <stev...@uw.edu> writes:

> I agree with the "less stuff" part. The first pass in my slides is for
> content, second pass is for formatting :-). For now, I did manual division
> of the sides. I am using both org-beamer and org-reveal (
> https://github.com/yjwen/org-reveal) and ideally they would have optimized
> (and possibly different) slide breaks. E.g. perhaps beamer breaks 9
> elements into 3 3-elements slides whereas reveal breaks into 2 slides, one
> with 5 elements and one of 4 elements.
> I'll look around for the previous post but in the mean time I think I will
> stick with method 0.

To summarise the previous post (i.e. from the thread I started for this
bug), all you have to do is simply include the following on any slide
for which you want frame breaks:

--8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
* A long "frame" with breaks
:BEAMER_opt: allowframebreaks,label=
--8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---

Method 0 is, in principle, desirable, but I actually find that beamer
does a really nice job on automatic frame breaks in most cases and it
makes writing some types of presentations much easier!  An example, from
my own usage, is the solution to some example problem when teaching.  I
can simply write down all the steps, e.g. as an enumerated list, and let
beamer worry about the breaks.  Using automatic frame breaks, for me, is
just the obvious extension of org (or LaTeX): let me worry about the
content and let the system worry about the formatting!

>From LyX: "what you see is what you mean" :-)

: Eric S Fraga (0xFFFCF67D), Emacs, Org release_8.2.2-180-g71152d

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