The following custom agenda has a couple of problems.  Can anybody
suggest fixes?

  1) slow
  2) there is no agenda prefix telling me the date or scheduling information

My understanding is that %s is supposed to show scheduling
information?  Do people typically use %(org-get-property
\"SCHEDULED\") and similar instead?


        `(("i" . "views -- agenda, next")
          ("iu" "upcoming scheduled and deadline, by timestamp -- experimental"
           tags ,(concat "+SCHEDULED>\"<now>\"+SCHEDULED<\"<+1m>\""
           ((org-use-tag-inheritance nil)
            (org-agenda-prefix-format "%s")
            (org-agenda-sorting-strategy '(timestamp-up))))

The Kafka Pandemic:

The disease DOES progress.  MANY people have died from it.  ANYBODY can get it.

Denmark: free Karina Hansen NOW.

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