Hi all

The recent bug report below reminds me of a comparable situation with
a bug that I wanted to report at some time:

#+LINK: link-abbreviation http://www.orgmode.org/#

1) [ ] [[http://www.orgmode.org/#docs]]
2) [[link-abbreviation:docs]]
3) [ ] [[link-abbreviation:docs]]

1 bla bla [ ] [[http://www.orgmode.org/#docs]]

2 bla bla [[link-abbreviation:docs]]

3 bla bla [ ] [[link-abbreviation:docs]]

| 1 | [ ] | [[http://www.orgmode.org/#docs]] |
| 2 |     | [[link-abbreviation:docs]]       |
| 3 | [ ] | [[link-abbreviation:docs]]       |

C-c C-o with point on "1" or "2" opens the browser, on "3" I expect
the same but an error happens.


On Thu, Oct 3, 2013 at 12:56 PM, Christoph LANGE
<math.semantic....@gmail.com> wrote:
subject: C-c C-c doesn't tick check box when pressed on a hyperlink in a
list item
> this is a bug in Org 8.2 on Emacs 24.3.  I can't use
> org-submit-bug-report right now (see previous mail), so let me try this way.
> I have a check list like this
>  * [X] item
>  * [ ] item
> and some of the items contain hyperlinks.  When I am on one such
> hyperlink and press C-c C-c it doesn't tick the check box but says "C-c
> C-c can do nothing useful at this location".

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