
org-store-link worked perfectly after I ran my bibtex file through JabRef's
cleanup function.

I have not been able to isolate the change that caused the problem with
org-store-link, but apparently, the bad link description was my bibtex
file's fault.

Sorry for the false alarm!

On Mon, Sep 30, 2013 at 5:16 PM, Scott Otterson <>wrote:

> Hi,  I've just updated to emacs 24.3.1 and org-mode 8.2, and the very
> useful org-store-link function is now broken.
> For years, I've been inserting bibtex file links into my org files with
> this simple procedure:
>   1. Put cursor on an article in a bibtex file
>   2. C-c l
>   3. Put cursor in org file
>    4. C-c C-l
> The result is a clean link in my org file that looks like this:
>   Chow et al. 2010: Dynamic
> But after the update, org-store-link (bound to C-c l) leaves the link
> description empty, so that the link now looks like this:
>   file:energy.bib::Chow10dynPCAintTransf
> Does anyone know how I can recover the old org-store-link behavior?
> Thanks,
> Scott

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