On 16.9.2013, at 19:50, David Rogers <davidandrewrog...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Suvayu Ali <fatkasuvayu+li...@gmail.com> writes:
>> Hello Gijs,
>> On Mon, Sep 16, 2013 at 01:54:40PM +0200, Gijs Hillenius wrote:
>>> I have a really wee suggestion for a change in the documentation that
>>> comes with Org-mode version 7.9.3f and in Org 8.1 (on the web)
>>> In chapter 12.5 on Html export there is this section
>>> ,----
>>> | 12.5.9 CSS support
>>> | 
>>> | You can also give style information for the exported file.
>>> `----
>>> To my non-English eyes the word "also" is ambigous. Earlier this month
>>> it made me look all over that chapter for /other/ ways to give style
>>> information.
>>> I think that "also" refers to "12.5.3 Quoting HTML tags" but I am not
>>> sure.
>>> So, maybe the above quoted text for 12.5.9 could be improved by writing:
>>> Next to including simple HTML tags (see 12.5.3), style information can
>>> be added to the exported file.
>> I think also here suggests style information is optional; as in, you may
>> or may not include it.
>> Maybe others can chime in with their opinion?
> I think the "also" is not meant to be about "other ways to give style
> information", but about "other things you could do that are not the same
> as the immediately-preceding item".

Yes, it was meant to mean something like this.  In addition to all the other 
stuff mentioned before.
I have changed it to

      You can modify the CSS style definitions for the exported file.

Hope this is clearer.

- Carsten

> Gijs - would it be clearer, in your opinion, to replace the word "also"
> with "optionally"?
> -- 
> David R

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