Christoph LANGE <> writes: > Dear all, > > having created a number of Beamer presentations with the old exporter > (Org version 7), I'm now working on the first Beamer presentation with > the new exporter. > > Frames that contain an lstlisting environment are no longer made fragile > automatically. (Thus I'm not sure the documentation in manual section > 12.5 "Beamer export" is still correct, which says "`fragile' option is > added automatically if it contains source code that uses any verbatim > environment".) > > My intuition after browsing the Org source code and documentation is > that I should now use #+BEGIN_SRC and that then everything will be > handled automatically. However the language of my listings is a > non-standard one, which requires a lot of custom options to the > lstlisting environment. > > Could anyone kindly point me to an example?
I am not sure what it is you want an example of? If it's how to configure lstlisting for a new language, here are two examples: #+latex_header: \lstdefinelanguage{gams}{ #+latex_header: keywords={all, positive, variable, variables, equation, equations, model,% #+latex_header: minimizing, parameter, parameters, display, solve, using, /}, #+latex_header: sensitive=false, #+latex_header: morecomment=[f]*,% #+latex_header: morecomment=[s]{$ontext}{$offtext}, #+latex_header: morestring=[b]", #+latex_header: morestring=[b]' #+latex_header: } #+latex_header: \lstdefinelanguage{Maxima}{ #+latex_header: keywords={addrow,addcol,zeromatrix,ident,augcoefmatrix,ratsubst,diff,ev,tex,% #+latex_header: with_stdout,nouns,express,depends,load,submatrix,div,grad,curl,% #+latex_header: rootscontract,solve,part,assume,sqrt,integrate,abs,inf,exp}, #+latex_header: sensitive=true, #+latex_header: comment=[n]{/*}{*/} #+latex_header: } HTH, eric -- : Eric S Fraga (0xFFFCF67D), Emacs, Org release_8.1.1-7-gaecdf5