Martin Leduc <> writes:
> The only solution I found is by using tables such as: > > #+CAPTION: Insert caption here. > #+ATTR_LATEX: :align p{0.5\textwidth}p{0.5\textwidth} > | [[pathtoimage]] | [[pathtoimage]] | > | [[pathtoimage]] | [[pathtoimage]] | > > where the size of the images is controled by p{} and C-cxv is > working. However, in the exported TeX file, it is a table, not a > figure. Is there a cleaner way to make image panels that would > preserve the figure environment in the exported TeX file ? For now it should be possible to write a filter doing this, tho I'm not sure a table is the 'correct' way to represent subfigures in Org (were they to be supported), although it is nice and visual. John Hendy <> writes: > The only suggest I got was to use the subfig package, which may > actually be something like what you're looking for. subcaption is another possibility. I'm mostly using that these days. –Rasmus -- Send from my Emacs