Hi, Hi,
I've release the 0.1.0 version of org-trello - 2 way sync between org and trello. Main page: http://ardumont.github.io/org-trello/ Demos: - http://adumont.fr/blog/org-trello-sync-your-org-file-to-trello/ - http://adumont.fr/blog/org-trello-new-features/ Bindings/Actions: C-c o i - M-x org-trello/install-key-and-token - Install the keys and the access-token. C-c o I - M-x org-trello/install-board-and-lists-ids - Select the board and attach the todo, doing and done list. C-c o b - M-x org-trello/create-board - Create interactively a board and attach the org-mode file to this trello board. C-c o c - M-x org-trello/create-simple-entity - Create/Update an entity (card/checklist/item) depending on its level and status. Do not deal with level superior to 4. C-c o C - M-x org-trello/create-complex-entity - Create/Update a complete entity card/checklist/item and its subtree (depending on its level). C-c o s - M-x org-trello/sync-to-trello - Synchronize the org-mode file to the trello board (org-mode -> trello). C-c o S - M-x org-trello/sync-from-trello - Synchronize the org-mode file from the trello board (trello -> org-mode). C-c o k - M-x org-trello/kill-entity - Kill the entity (and its arborescence tree). C-c o d - M-x org-trello/check-setup - Simple routine to check that the setup is ok. If everything is ok, will simply display 'Setup ok!' C-c o h - M-x org-trello/help-describing-bindings - This help message. Any help on reviewing, pull requesting, issuing, testing, is welcome :D For information, I'm working on a literate approach soon to be released on branch 0.1.1 to help in discovering the code! Cheers, -- Antoine R. Dumont https://github.com/ardumont https://coderwall.com/ardumont http://twitter.com/ardumont http://adumont.fr/blog