Hello Nicolas,

n.goaz...@gmail.com writes:

> Hello,
> Alan Schmitt <alan.schm...@polytechnique.org> writes:
>> Yes, this is not satisfactory (and the email and author is also
>> problematic in this regard). We need to know whether an option was set
>> in the file, independently of its default value. Is there a way to do
>> this?
> I didn't follow this thread closely, but to answer your question, you
> can add the following option:
>   (:email-changed-in-buffer-p "EMAIL" nil nil t)
> If (plist-get info :email-changed-in-buffer-p) is non-nil, email was set
> from a buffer keyword.

This is a promising approach. Unfortunately I cannot make it work:
email-changed-in-buffer-p is always equal to nil, even with an EMAIL in
the buffer (which I see picked up during export).

Here is what I have. This is the code to set up the EMAIL keyword:

    (:email "EMAIL" nil (org-koma-letter--get-custom org-koma-letter-email) t)
    (:email-changed-in-buffer-p "EMAIL" nil nil t)

Do we agree there should be two entries for "EMAIL"?



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