Try this: - The average measured axial compression force \(F\) of 4 bearings is src_R[:results value :exports results]{round(Fo,1)} kN (relative stddev: src_R[:results value :exports results]{round(Fs,1)} %)
(Switch to =:results value= instead of raw.) I seem to recall asking about changing the fontification from code/verbatim for the result, but don't recall the solution. Maybe it is raw, since it's another variant of value, in which case there does seem to be a bug since value doesn't break itemize. John On Fri, Jul 19, 2013 at 3:47 AM, Dieter Wilhelm, H. <> wrote: > Sorry, the previous mail was sent inadvertently without attachments ... > > Dear () > > please have a look at the self-contained test case. I'm using the > latest org-mode... > > Thanks in advance > > Dieter