I've been trying to get a handle on this the past couple of days since I wanted to use column mode for revising properties and then export (print) the subtree out showing those properties under the heading. I understand that the exporter changed and now doesn't export the properties drawer in total (and I think I understand why). It appears, though, that I have to duplicate the syntax "key: {{{property(key)}}} for every subheading. It would seem to me that the simplest solution, at least from the users perspective, would be to have a way to specify certain property keys to be exported for a particular subtree but I haven't found that option yet.
This is my simple example. Is there a simpler way to export the amount property without duplicating "amount: {{{property(amount)}}}" in every subheading? #+OPTIONS: toc:nil d:t * Buy stuff :PROPERTIES: :COLUMNS: %25ITEM %TODO %15amount(Amount){$} :END: ** DONE Buy something :PROPERTIES: :amount: 1234.56 :END: amount: {{{property(amount)}}} ** TODO Buy something else :PROPERTIES: :ID: db34ed38-7658-48b4-9770-9a572efcdb11 :amount: 5445.43 :END: