Darlan Cavalcante Moreira <darc...@gmail.com> writes:

> I don't think you can change the behavior of a link type to take into
> account somethink similar to graphicspath, but you can easily define
> custom link types: For instance, put this in your org-file
> #+LINK: fig file:my_figure_path/%s
> Then you will be able to You write a link such as 
> [[fig:some_figure.png]]
> ps: Remember to do "C-c C-c" in the #+LINK line after you insert it.

You know, at some point in the distant past, I think I knew this - but
it must have escaped some time ago and I never noticed.

Thanks! And just in time too: I'm preparing a presentation and I can use
this. That *might* be enough to imprint it in my memory - but I wouldn't
be too sure...


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