Thx Chris

its funny you just posted this as of all the excellent responses in this
thread i was looking into git-annex as a solution. The issue is that im not
very technical (im an academic not a programmer) and its seems mighty
complicated. Also in addition git-assistant is currently isnt available for
windows (which im forced to use at work unfortunately..)
do you know of a good (simple) guide for git-annex? would you mind to
elaborate more on your complete setup?
also do you use it to sync with android?

thx alot and thank you all who sent responses, its greatly appreciated !



On Mon, Jul 8, 2013 at 11:53 AM, Christopher Allan Webber <> wrote:

> Ian Barton writes:
> > On 01/07/13 13:06, Xebar Saram wrote:
> >> Hi all
> >>
> >> I have been using dropbox since i started using orgmode a few weeks ago
> >> (yeah im a neewb :)), which kinda works but i find it very annoying as
> >> it keeps creating conflicted copies, isnt reliable on my Linux main
> >> machine etc etc..
> >>
> >> I was wondering what you guys do for syncing org files between PC's,
> >> Os's, devices (android etc)..
> >>
> >
> > I used to use Dropbox and git. However, as you have found I often got
> > "Conflicted Files". This is a particular problem if it happens in your
> > .git folder, because it can lead to a corrupt git repo. Even though I
> > have a remote git repo, this still lead to lots of wasted time trying to
> > sort out the mess.
> >
> > Recently I have been using BitTorrent Sync from
> > So far this works
> > really well. If you are using Linux you need to do a bit of fiddling to
> > get it to run as your local user, as it doesn't preserve file
> > permissions. So if you are running it as a daemon files at the remote
> > end all get up being owned by root.
> >
> > The default is for two way synchronization. However, it's easy to set up
> > one way sync. This is useful for backups. If you accidentally made a
> > change in your backup, you wouldn't want it pushed back to your aster
> > version.
> >
> > I also run a cron job on my laptop, which is my main work machine. Every
> > hour this commits my org files to my git repo and pushes the changes to
> > my remote on a different computer.
> >
> > Ian.
> Have you considered using git-annex with git-annex assistant?  I'm doing
> this now... it automatically syncs on each file save.  I also have it
> set up so that orgmode files get checked in as if regular git files
> rather than moved to the annex like:
> [annex]
>         # uuid and "version" keys up here
>         largefiles = largerthan=100kb and not (include=*.org or
> include=*.org_archive or include=*.txt or include=*.tex)
> This will thus commit any files < 100kb and orgmode / latex files as
> just plain git files instead of moving them to the annex.
> I highly, highly recommend this setup.
>  - Chris

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