Eric Schulte writes:
> I've just applied this patch.  I don't think external dependencies are a
> problem if they offload language integration work to a dedicated
> external package.  The more babel can re-use existing packages the
> better, e.g., common lisp code blocks are just thin wrappers around
> slime, but they work exceedingly well with almost no babel-side coding
> or maintenance.

Would you mind keeping the byte-compile clean?

--8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
Compiling /home/org-mode/lisp/ob-scheme.el...

In org-babel-scheme-get-buffer-impl:
ob-scheme.el:81:5:Warning: reference to free variable

In org-babel-scheme-execute-with-geiser:
ob-scheme.el:130:21:Warning: `message' called with 4 args to fill 3 format
ob-scheme.el:133:15:Warning: assignment to free variable `geiser-repl--repl'
ob-scheme.el:134:15:Warning: assignment to free variable

In org-babel-execute:scheme:
ob-scheme.el:163:25:Warning: reference to free variable
ob-scheme.el:164:30:Warning: reference to free variable

In end of data:
ob-scheme.el:181:1:Warning: the following functions are not known to be
    defined: run-geiser, geiser-mode, geiser-eval-region, geiser-repl-exit
--8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---

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