I often use the agenda view to postpone tasks to future dates, so technically I want to change the SCHEDULED or DEADLINE dates of one or several agenda lines to a future date, e. g. "tomorrow".
This is possible with the shortkey Shift-<right arrow>, however this forces me to move my right hand away from the main block of alphanumeric keys (QERTZ...) to the cursor block. As all other "navigation commands" are available diretctly in the QWERTZ-block (e. g. "n" for "next line"), this is disturbing for my typing. Is there a built-in key for that? Sure I could achieve that with CtrlC, Ctrl-S, +1, <Ret>, but this is 4 keystrokes instead of one... Any suggestions are welcome. It is clear that I could define a custom command, but as there are already that many commands defined by org-mode or other packages, it is difficult for me as a newbie to choose one that makes sense and is not used for something else.. Kind regards Martin