> Maybe, maybe not.  Difficult to say unless you give us a better idea of
> what kind of changes you plan on making.

I'm a little hazy, partially because my ideas seem to change quickly as
I learn more.

One of the more ambitious things that I'd like to do is to be able to
associate BibTeX references with a headlines in a way such that they are
collected at the level of the frame-headline and then rendered uniformly
in the page footers.

> In general, I find it sufficient to add a little bit of LaTeX code to my
> org files for most customisations or beamer specific commands.  The
> great thing about org is that it is easy to write LaTeX directly when
> you need it.  It's only if you wish to address different export targets
> that things become more complicated, but that's not what you are doing.

> Maybe gives us some idea of what it is you cannot do with ox-beamer and
> we can suggest whether what you intend to do is reasonable or not.

At least so far, it's no so much a question of "can't", as a matter of

#+AUTHOR: Josiah \\ \small with Alice & Bob


#+AUTHOR: Josiah

Another example would be the use of a subtitle.

#+LATEX_HEADER: \subtitle{An Illustrative Example}


#+SUBTITLE: An Illustrative Example

I have a preference for the "cleaner" version and wanted to implement it
in a way that it likely to age well as org development progresses.


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