
James Harkins <jamshar...@gmail.com> writes:

> Today I was playing around with exporting a beamer presentation for
> handouts, following the advice online to use pgfpages for saving dead
> trees. I'm not sure if it's an org problem or a LaTeX problem.
> Exporting to a presentation is no problem:
> #+startup: beamer
> #+LaTeX_CLASS: beamer
> #+LaTeX_CLASS_OPTIONS: [presentation]
> #+BEAMER_THEME: default
> For handouts, I tried changing it like this:
> #+startup: beamer
> #+LaTeX_CLASS: beamer
> #+LaTeX_CLASS_OPTIONS: [handout]
> #+BEAMER_THEME: default
> #+LATEX_HEADER: \usepackage{pgfpages}
> #+LATEX_HEADER: \pgfpagesuselayout{2 on 1}[a4paper,border shrink=5mm]
> One problem: if I use any :BMCOL: tags, I get strange errors like this:
> ! LaTeX Error: \begin{minipage} on input line 117 ended by \end{altenv}.
> ... where the entity that is \ended could be several different things.

An ECM could be useful. By the way, does the generated LaTeX code look


Nicolas Goaziou

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