Hi all

Im having serious issues with org-capture, ive tried everything i can think
of including advice on #emacs but can find a solution/whats causing this.

So the issue is this. i have org mode configured and working well (see
below config). the thing is that after the 2nd or 3rd capture (to create a
todo) emacs gives the following error:

TODO.org changed on disk; really edit the buffer? (y, n, r or C-h) y
File on disk now will become a backup file if you save these changes.

It happens each time i relaunch emacs/org but never on the first time i
capture (that always works). it always happens from 2/3rd time i try to
I have tired many things with no succes. i have tried it both with org 8.03
and other org that comes with default emacs 24 (from the 7.x series) with
no success.
i have checked carefully that no other app is accessing that file while
emacs/org is editing it
i have moved the todo file and relevant org capture config to other folders
(non dropbox/git/etc) and still the same issue occurs

another big issue is that sometime when i press Yes to the above error it
wipes the whole todo file and puts only the latest capture

any help would be greatly appreciated

for reference here is my complete emacs conf file (in org mode format):

and the relevant capture part: https://paste.xinu.at/Autp/



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