Hi Carsten,

On 6/3/13, Carsten Dominik <carsten.domi...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> 4. Define that lists alway have to have a newline in front of them.

I presume Michael means blank line.  I like this.

>> 5. Define that lists always have to be indented.

I like this also, and have long wanted c-c - on a region to indent the
resulting list, but have not figured out how to implement it.

> Hi Michael,
> I think this would break too many legacy Org files.  It would

How about making it optional?  Was there a time when it was already
optional?  ISTR regexps for lists.

> also cause problems for sublist, so you could no longer
> make compact deep lists.

  - do you
     - like this?

That is already in a list context?


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