Nicolas Goaziou writes:

> Hello,
> Alan L Tyree <> writes:
>> Nicolas Goaziou writes:
>>> Hello,
>>> Alan L Tyree <> writes:
>>>> I have also been bedeviled by this problem. In a long manuscript it is
>>>> all too common. Here is a real example of a footnote and its HTML
>>>> export:
>>>> =======
>>>> [fn:79] Some commentators have questioned whether it is an
>>>> 'exception'. The argument is that it is merely part of the bank's duty
>>>> not to be part of any fraud of which it has knowledge. See Ricky J
>>>> Lee, Strict compliance and the fraud exception: balancing the
>>>> interests of mercantile traders in the modern law of documentary
>>>> credits, (2008) Macquarie Journal of Business Law
>>>> 137. There is merit to this argument, but few
>>>> practical consequences.
>>> [...]
>>> By default, a number followed by a dot or a parenthesis at the beginning
>>> of a line starts a plain list. There is nothing new here. Use M-RET
>>> after "but few", and you'll see this is not related to export.
>>> The filling mechanism should prevent this situation from happening. If
>>> it's not the case, please provide an ECM, as I cannot find one.
>>> Regards,
>> Perhaps the filling mechanism should prevent it, but in my case it does
>> not.
> I tried to fill the previous footnote definition at various places with
> various fill-column values, to no avail.
>> Both of the paragraphs I sent were the result of filling. Perhaps there
>> is some setting that prevents this from happening? What parameters do
>> you need to know to reproduce the problem from the above examples?
> I wish I knew what's needed to reproduce the problem. What's your value
> for `fill-nobreak-predicate' in an Org buffer? The function responsible
> for preventing a list insertion is
> `org-fill-paragraph-separate-nobreak-p'.
> Regards,
Hi Nicolas,
Thanks for taking the time to look at this. The problem is a little
different from what I thought.

The above paragraph does not refill when the '137.' is at the front of
the line (And of course, it should not since org thinks it is a list

It does fill properly when the '137.' is anywhere else.

So: my problem is that somehow the '137.' got at the head of a line. I
have no idea how that happened. I inserted references in this document
using reftex, so I suppose that is one source to investigate.

The other source is, no doubt, cut and paste.

In a 60+ page document, I had four or five of these, so it is a very
annoying problem.

In view of this, should I explore further about the source of these or
try out the patch you sent?

Again, many thanks for your time and help.


Alan L Tyree 
Tel:  04 2748 6206

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