On 30.5.2013, at 04:43, Xiao-Yong Jin <jinxiaoy...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> In org-faces.el,
> (when (fboundp 'set-face-attribute)
>   ;; Make sure that a fixed-width face is used when we have a column table.
>   (set-face-attribute 'org-column nil
>                     :height (face-attribute 'default :height)
>                     :family (face-attribute 'default :family)))

Hi Xiao,

I remember that I struggled with the problem that I had to make sure that 
column view used a fixed-width face - and this was the solution that worked - 
not a particular pretty one, admittedly.

Do you have an idea on how to change this code that it will always work?  I'd 
be very happy to accept a good patch.

- Carsten

> I understand why you did this, but it is not quite logical, and somewhat 
> invasive.  First, you certainly do not do this with org-table.  Then why 
> org-column specifically?  Second, it overwrites the the value I set in the 
> emacs theme or custom-set-faces.  Third, the end result is quite bizarre and 
> odd-looking.  The "default" height and "default" family is some how not what 
> I set for the frame, because the font family and size is set when emacs 
> starts up and loaded the org-mode.  When I use set-frame-font or 
> text-scale-adjust, org-column will stick with the old font family and size.  
> In fact, because the font family for org-column and org-column-title are 
> different, the result is just bad.
> I don't think it is only my problem, but I'll describe my setup for 
> themes/font.  I use default-frame-alist to set the font family and sizeā€”The 
> above code will not pick up this setup.  I use load-theme and enable-theme to 
> load the theme I want.  Sometimes I use set-frame-font or text-scale-adjust 
> to get a pleasantly looking texts temporary.  I usually use fixed-width font, 
> so the above code is not doing any good.
> For the time being, I commented out the above code.
> Best,
> Xiao-Yong

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