Karl Voit <devn...@karl-voit.at> writes:

> * Feng Shu <tuma...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Thorsten Jolitz <tjol...@gmail.com> writes:
>>> Thorsten Jolitz <tjol...@gmail.com> writes:
>>> ,-------------------------------------
>>> | (defun find-org-contracts ()
>>> | (interactive)
>>> | (find-file "/path/to/contracts.org")
>>> | (show-all))
>>> |
>>> | M-x find-org-contracts
>>> `-------------------------------------
>> I use:
>> #+STARTUP: showeverything
> Those two methods result in expanded properties, yes.
> However, I obviously was not precise enough to explain my
> requirement which is more complicated than "showeverything".
> I would like to have all headings folded when I open the file (as it
> is now). Then I navigate to a heading of a person by using text
> search or arrow keys and TAB (to expand hierarchies).

For me both 'show-entry' and 'show-children' open the property drawer of
a headline. I actually use these two for visibility cycling:

| [From `outline-mode-easy-bindings']
| (defun outline-show-more ()
|   (interactive)
|   (when (outline-on-heading-p)
|     (cond ((and (outline-subheadings-p)
|                 (not (outline-subheadings-visible-p)))
|            (show-children))
|           ((and (not (outline-subheadings-p))
|                 (not (outline-body-visible-p)))
|            (show-subtree))
|           ((and (outline-body-p)
|                 (not (outline-body-visible-p)))
|            (show-entry))
|           (t
|            (show-subtree)))))
| (defun outline-hide-more ()
|   (interactive)
|   (when (outline-on-heading-p)
|     (cond ((and (outline-body-p)
|                 (outline-body-visible-p))
|            (hide-entry)
|            (hide-leaves))
|           (t
|            (hide-subtree)))))

With these bindings:

| (let ((map outline-mode-map))
|   (outshine-define-key-with-fallback
|    map (kbd "M-<left>") (outline-hide-more) (outline-on-heading-p))
|   (outshine-define-key-with-fallback
|    map (kbd "M-<right>") (outline-show-more) (outline-on-heading-p)) [...]

and these docs:

| <M-right> runs the command outline-show-more, which is an interactive Lisp
| function in `outshine.el'.
| It is bound to <M-right>.
| (outline-show-more)

| outline-hide-more is an interactive Lisp function in `outshine.el'.
| (outline-hide-more)


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