Senthil Kumar M <> writes:

> Nick, thank you. Setting the org-latex-pdf-process variable as you
> suggested resolved the LaTeX error during the export step.
> However, the minted syntax colour highlighting does not work as
> expected, all python/bash/XML code appear in one colour (black).

Just to make sure: you export to latex, open the resulting PDF file and
there is no syntax highlighting?

> I had included (setq org-export-latex-listings 'minted) in my .emacs
> file and it worked fine before the upgrade to 8.0.3.
> Is there any variable that had changed and need to be set for the
> syntax highlighting to work properly?

I don't think so. My guess is that your minted/pygments installation is
broken, i.e. nothing to do with org. What happens if you leave org out
of the equation altogether? I.e. take a simple tex file using minted and
pass it through ``pdflatex --shell-escap''?


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