Hi Robert,

> what I meant is, if #+AUTHOR defaults to (user-full-name), could the
> \setkomavar commands be placed /before/ \LoadLetterOption in the TeX
> file,  and after \LoadLetterOptions if #+AUTHOR is set in the .org file?
> So you'd still get only one set of \setkomavar in the TeX file, but get
> a (for me) more useful order of #+AUTHOR != (user-full-name) > #+LCO >
> #+AUTHOR == (user-full-name)

I see.  It could be done but it could be kind of inconvenient, I
guess, since currently #+AUTHOR and the default org-koma-letter-author
share the same variable name during export.  You can always disable it
with empty values, although a bit of a hassle (e.g. "#+AUTHOR:\n").

If my memory serves me correctly Viktor decided the order of LCO
values versus file values carefully so he'll have a better idea about

That being said, I can think of two ways to do it. 
 1. use something like
   `org-koma-letter--prepare-special-contents-as-macro' and make an
   ordering dependent on a list like with
 2. Test whether a particular value is equal to the default.  But it
    seems like something that could easily go wrong. . .


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