
Fabrice Popineau <fabrice.popin...@supelec.fr> writes:

> Is it me or something is wrong with the very latest org-mode (git
> repository).
> I have this line in my org-file :
> #+BIND: org-latex-pdf-process ("pdflatex -interaction nonstopmode
> -shell-escape -output-directory %o %f")
> My default value for this variable states that lualatex is used for
> compilation.
> Even using the BIND line, it is still lualatex which is used.
> And I have set org-export-allow-bind-keywords to t.
> I'm pretty sure it worked a couple of days ago.

I'm surprised it even worked. BIND keywords only affect the export
process, i.e. Org to LaTeX translation in this case. File compilation to
PDF is a post-processing thing, these keywords don't survive that long.

You may use file local variables instead.


Nicolas Goaziou

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