Hello Nicolas, I'm sorry for not having provided more explanation of the patch's purpose. The motivation is basically to permit any kind of "manual" (in contrast to "automatic") control over the section-numbering behavior connected with a particular headline. In LaTeX, for example, you are able to make any section numbered or un-numbered, however in org-mode, there is an artificial restriction when using numbering that sections of a particular depth must be either all numbered, or all un-numbered.
A couple possible use-cases: 1. a document (or chapter of a document) where the first headline contains general "introduction" information explaining what the rest of the document (chapter) is about (similar to an abstract, but not identical -- something that might contain sub-headings, lists, tables, etc.), and the remainder of the document (chapter) is the "real" content of the document -- the place where you want the numbering to begin. 2. a document where only one of the headlines and its child-headlines halfway through the document should be un-numbered (maybe they represent an "example docoument" embedded within an instruction-manual). The reason there are two different properties (a normal, and an "inherited" version) is because use-case #2 could be painful if you had to add a ":NUMBERED: n" property to every node of the sub-document. There are probably several other use-cases to be discovered that this allows. Simply put, the patch makes it possible to control the numbering for a single headline (one specific headline, not a headline-level), or to set a manual default numbering behavior for a sub-tree of headlines. All other headlines behave according to the current org-mode numbering rules. Regards, Mark