Hey guys, I'm having a bit of trouble with exports. My understanding is that I should be able to create a sparse tree from a tag (C-c / m tag-name RET) and then export only the visible items (C-c C-e C-v t A) to get an export of just the items with that tag. What I'm getting instead is an export that only contains the top-level headers and I'm uncertain why this is happening. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Details follow:
Org-mode version 8.0.2 (8.0.2-2-g93da18-elpa @ /Users/camdez/.emacs.d/elpa/org-20130429/) Here's my sample buffer: * Last week ** DONE Finalize early screens (login, etc.) ** DONE Judge video contest ** DONE Create mobile stories document :FLAGGED: * This week ** TODO Incorporate changes from others into stories document ** TODO Nail down requirements ** TODO Set up next milestone :FLAGGED: After C-c / m FLAGGED RET: * Last week... ** DONE Create mobile stories document :FLAGGED: * This week... ** TODO Set up next milestone :FLAGGED:... And my ASCII export (C-c C-e C-v t A) looks like this: Cameron Desautels Table of Contents _________________ 1 Last week 2 This week 1 Last week =========== 2 This week =========== For comparison, if I don't limit the export to visible items (C-c C-e t A) I get this: Cameron Desautels Table of Contents _________________ 1 Last week .. 1.1 DONE Finalize early screens (login, etc.) .. 1.2 DONE Judge video contest .. 1.3 DONE Create mobile stories document :FLAGGED: 2 This week .. 2.1 TODO Incorporate changes from others into stories document .. 2.2 TODO Nail down requirements .. 2.3 TODO Set up next milestone :FLAGGED: 1 Last week =========== 1.1 DONE Finalize early screens (login, etc.) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1.2 DONE Judge video contest ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1.3 DONE Create mobile stories document :FLAGGED: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2 This week =========== 2.1 TODO Incorporate changes from others into stories document ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2.2 TODO Nail down requirements ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2.3 TODO Set up next milestone :FLAGGED: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Much obliged for any help. -- Cameron Desautels <cam...@gmail.com>