On 6 mei 2013, at 10:36, Rasmus <ras...@gmx.us> wrote:

> Hi Yujie,
>>  Org-Reveal is now updated for displaying MathJax, as the HTML exporter
>> does, except that the MathJax.org server is used instead of Orgmode.org
>> server.
> Out of curiosity: why?

I see that Mathjax now recommends use of its server.  When we started using 
MathJax, they asked users to install their own versions, probably to limit 
server load on their side.  But since they now recommend using their server 
network - maybe Org should use this by default?

- Carsten

>>  Please check the updated sample illustration:
>> http://naga-eda.org/home/yujie/org-reveal/#/4/4
> That's so cool!  I want to write a presentation now, but unfortunately
> I haven't got anything to present at the moment.
> I like this engine as lot 'cause of its "battery included"-ness.
> E.g. it just 'looks nice' and has the cool dimensional properties that
> Eric mentioned.
> Thanks again for this, it looks great!
> –Rasmus
> -- 
> m-mm-mmm-mmmm bacon!

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