Eric Schulte writes:
> If you mean that there should be new syntax for setting header arguments
> on a file or sub-tree basis w/o using file local variables, I'd be happy
> to apply a patch.

I'm thinking that something like

#+PROPERTY: header-args:R :session "*R*" :exports none

should work.  I've checked that the property interface returns the data
as expected, but I haven't implemented anything yet.  It does not seem
to be an overly difficult endeavour, however.

>> But importantly, there should be no way to set a default session name
>> without also specifying the language, regardless of which way one
>> tries to set this up.
> If you can think of a clean way to implement this then we should go for
> it.  I doubt many existing configurations rely on this behavior.

General settings for all languages should be effected by

#+PROPERTY: header-args :results value :exports none

and there'd be a list of header arguments (or specific values) that are
either ignored or warned about when not associated with a particular

BTW, I think the current property syntax for header arguments should be
deprecated since it is the only place where the leading ":" is missing
for those.

Comments, thoughts?

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