Samuel Wales <> writes:

Hi Samuel,

>> If you structure your Emacs Lisp files the 'outshine way', you can
>> convert them into complete Org files fast and easily using 'outorg.el'.

> With what I am talking about, you can:
>   - put your Org notes in your main Org agenda files exactly where you want 
> them
>   - efficiently use planning information to create daily/weekly agenda entries
>   - bounce to and from the exact location in your source code to the
> exact Org entry
> Therefore, the category of tools I suggested to you -- which consists
> of annotation-like mechanisms -- is a completely different way of
> tackling the problem of dealing with source code and Org
> simultaneously.
> Yet it is a way of dealing with them simultaneously, which is the
> reason I suggested putting them in your document also, if you felt
> like it.

I think I missed this mail. When you have a worked out system for such
a tool-chain, it would definitely be nice to describe it in the
'Org-mode outside Org-mode' tutorial on Worg. Maybe even giving the
whole thing a name like 'Source-file annotation with Org-mode' or so. 

Feel free to add a new item for this in the tutorial. When you don't
have write access to Worg, you could send it to me and I add it to the


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