hi. i'm running ---- Org-mode version 8.0.1 (release_8.0.1-42-g267cbe @ /Users/minshall/usr/share/emacs/site-lisp/org/) ----
my test case is ---- #+DATE: <2013-04-25 Thu> #+OPTIONS: H:2 texht:t #+BEAMER_COLOR_THEME: #+BEAMER_FONT_THEME: #+BEAMER_HEADER: #+BEAMER_INNER_THEME: #+BEAMER_OUTER_THEME: #+BEAMER_THEME: default #+LATEX_CLASS: beamer #+LATEX_CLASS_OPTIONS: #+LATEX_HEADER: #+LATEX_HEADER_EXTRA: * _is_? ---- exporting via "C-c C-e lO" (or, "lo"), i get an error from latex. if i change H:2 to H:1, all (seemingly) works. here is a diff of the .tex file generated by each H: ---- bash greg-minshalls-mbp: {1039} diff sectbug.texH:1 sectbug.texH:2 38,39c38,39 < \begin{frame}[label=sec-1]{\underline{is}?} < \end{frame} --- > \section[\underline{is}?]{\underline{is}?} > \label{sec-1} ---- am i doing something wrong? (this is fallout converting from 7.9.3f to 8.) cheers, Greg Minshall