Karl Voit <devn...@karl-voit.at> writes:

> * Eric S Fraga <e.fr...@ucl.ac.uk> wrote:
>> Although I'm using MobileOrg more and more, I'm only using it for
>> capturing notes.  I really want appointments and everything else
>> as well!
> Same here at my side. Next, I want to test the agenda on MobileOrg
> and the feature to show it on the Android calendar. This way, I want
> to get rid of Google more and more which has proven to be not
> reliable at all (dying Reader, dying APIs, ...).

I tried out the sync to calendar option in MobileOrg.  It synced tasks
(i.e. scheduled and deadline entries) but not entries with just active
time stamps which are what I use for appointments.  In my use of org, I
have a clear distinction between tasks and appointments.  I schedule
tasks to days but not times.  Appointments are not tasks as they
disappear whether I attended them or not whereas tasks persist.

I would like active time stamps to appear in my calendar for the "at a
glance" identification of free and busy times and for reminders of when
I need to be somewhere.  I prefer to keep task information in org and
not in my Google calendar so MobileOrg's behaviour is exactly the
opposite of what I wanted unfortunately.

: Eric S Fraga, GnuPG: 0xC89193D8FFFCF67D
: in Emacs and Org release_8.0.1-19-g9655a1

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