* 42 147 <aeus...@gmail.com> wrote: > > Hello mailing list, Hi!
> The question is the title: have you been able to convert many people to > Emacs / org-mode? I am not quite sure how many people actually switched to Emacs/Org-mode. However, I have seen many open mouths by showing simply the basic (tables, babel, ...)[1]. This heavily depends on the background of the person (programmer, manager, ...). I recognised that I got very cool reactions on Memacs[2] which enriches my agenda with so much great stuff. With Memacs, I am able to tell quite exactly what happened when and I can correlate tasks with web pages visited, phone calls done, and so forth. However, I got the feeling that people really do want to have such an environment (because of the advantages of its featureset) but most of them are afraid of the set-up process and the learning curve. Not everybody wants (or is able) to invest time to learn Emacs/Org-mode. Last autumn, I had the pleasure to conduct a 12h-workshop at our university with a bunch of very interested people. Everybody added his/her own requirements and the feedback was quite good. I guess that they all switched to Org-mode. Next week, there is an event called Grazer Linuxtage[3] which is the largest open source event in Austria. Last year, I presented Org-mode using [1]. This year, I am planning to concentrate on workflows[4]. I will ask the audience to tell me workflow examples they are coping with in daily life and show them, how to accomplish this using Org-mode (or give pointers to features I did not try by myself). Bring your own workflow is my motto. Opportunities like this are great to get people in touch with Emacs/Org-mode. Two years ago, somebody shortly presented Org-mode basics during a Python talk. This was my introduction to this great tool :-) 1. https://github.com/novoid/org-mode-workshop/blob/master/featureshow/org-mode-teaser.org 2. see signature below 3. http://linuxtage.at (German) 4. http://glt13-programm.linuxtage.at/events/161.de.html -- mail|git|SVN|photos|postings|SMS|phonecalls|RSS|CSV|XML to Org-mode: > get Memacs from https://github.com/novoid/Memacs < https://github.com/novoid/extract_pdf_annotations_to_orgmode + more on github