Michael Brand dijo [Tue, Apr 09, 2013 at 02:40:06PM +0200]: > On Tue, Apr 9, 2013 at 5:31 AM, Nick Dokos <ndo...@gmail.com> wrote: > > You can turn on formula debugging with C-c { and then you'd > > see that in Pancho's case, the list is ("") i.e. a list containing the > > empty string - a list of length 1. That might qualify as a bug (or not) > > This issue is part of some old bugs that I discovered end of 2012. It > seems like my patch from then > http://orgmode.org/w/org-mode.git?p=org-mode.git;a=commitdiff;h=764315 > resolved it only partially and I missed the case of a range with only > empty fields, although I tested and approved it in my ERTs... The > attached patch corrects. > > It is worth a small compatibility change: For a range with only empty > fields it is now possible and necessary to choose different behaviors > of vmean by adding the format specifiers E and/or N.
Yes - it seems it is this bug you mention. I prefer not to patch my .el if possible, as being me a non-hard-core, non-bleeding-edge Org-mode user, I prefer following what comes in my Debian package ;-)