On 9 apr. 2013, at 10:46, Thorsten Jolitz <tjol...@gmail.com> wrote:

> 42 147 <aeus...@gmail.com> writes:
>> This might be considered off-topic.
> Maybe not? I know of a fantastic Lisp dialect and
> web/database programming-environment out there 
> ,------------------------------------
> | PicoLisp
> | http://picolisp.com/5000/!wiki?home
> `------------------------------------
> that suffers exactly from the rather low conversion rate of people to
> it, which is kind of hard to explain given its quality. 
> But maybe Paul Graham is right in
> http://www.paulgraham.com/popular.html, at least with regards to
> programming languages:
> ,-------------------------------------------------------------------------
> | A friend of mine once told an eminent operating systems expert that he
> | wanted to design a really good programming language. The expert told him
> | that it would be a waste of time, that programming languages don't
> | become popular or unpopular based on their merits, and so no matter how
> | good his language was, no one would use it. At least, that was what had
> | happened to the language he had designed.
> `-------------------------------------------------------------------------
> And just like I try to spell the word about amazing PicoLisp with this
> email, I wrote an Org-mode article in the student magazine of my former
> German distance university with the title
> ,------------------------------------------------------
> | Self-organization with Org-mode for distance students
> `------------------------------------------------------

I would be interested to read this article.  Can you make it available?

- Carsten

> (in German)
> Its in 
> ,-------------------------------------------
> | "SprachRohr"-Ausgabe 04/2012 FernUni Hagen
> `-------------------------------------------
> and the cover can be seen here: 
> http://www.fernstudis.de/node/1203
> unfortunately only the cover, since download is restricted to
> immatriculated students, but I reached some 50-60k readers with this
> article and recieved very positive feedback, I cite from an anonymous
> fellow distance student:
> ,----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> | [...] ich gehöre normalerweise nicht zu den Leserbriefschreibern, aber hier
> | muss ich einfach mal ein ganz großes Lob loswerden: Vielen Dank für den
> | Artikel über Emacs Org-Mode - der erste Artikel [...] der mich wirklich
> | weiterbringt und ganz sehr zum "Weiterforschen" anregt. Org-Mode scheint
> | genau das Werkzeug zu sein, nach dem ich lange gesucht habe.
> `----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> (in English more or less: "normally I don't write reader comments, but
> Org-mode seems exactly the tool I was looking for and I feel very
> motivated to learn more about it after reading your article")
> So maybe there are ways to reach more people with less effort than in
> one-to-one conversion talks? Although, even with 50k readers, I will of
> course never know if I really achieved a single conversion. 
> -- 
> cheers,
> Thorsten

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