Nicolas Goaziou <> writes:

> Hello,
> Alan Schmitt <> writes:
>> Dieter Wilhelm writes:
>>> Dear list,
>>> I changed the html postamble
>>> org-html-postamble-format is a variable defined in `ox-html.el'.
>>> Its value is
>>> (("en" "<p class=\"author\">Author: %a (%e)</p>\n<p class=\"date\">Date: %d 
>>> </p>\n<p class=\"creator\">Generated by %c </p>\n")
>>>  ("de" "<p class=\"author\">Autor: %a (%e)</p>\n<p class=\"date\">Datum: %d 
>>> </p>\n<p class=\"creator\">Generiert von %c </p>\n")
>>>  ("fr" "<p class=\"author\">Auteur: %a (%e)</p>\n<p class=\"date\">Date: %d 
>>> </p>\n<p class=\"creator\">Generated by %c </p>\n"))
>>> Original value was 
>>> (("en" "<p class=\"author\">Author: %a (%e)</p>\n<p class=\"date\">Date: 
>>> %d</p>\n<p class=\"creator\">Generated by %c</p>\n<p 
>>> class=\"xhtml-validation\">%v</p>"))
>>> but now I can't specify a date in the form
>>> #+DATE:  "%Y-%m-%d"
>>> Formerly an empty specification meant the current date, but now in the
>>> preamble the date remains empty.
>> I'm having the same issue. Did you find a way around it?
> I didn't try to reproduce the problem, but specifying a format time
> string as a DATE value is not possible anymore. You still can provide
> a timestamp and tweak `org-export-date-timestamp-format' (or BIND it) to
> format it.

Sorry I don't get it completely.  
I'd like to have as the DATE value the current change time of the file.
You mean that I should set this with the Emacs timestamp facility? Like:

#+DATE: Time-stamp: " "

> Regards,

Best wishes

H. Dieter Wilhelm

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