On Thu, Apr 04, 2013 at 10:26:53AM +0200, Michael Strey wrote: [...]
> Usually my phone links look like [[tel:+49 351 4129535]]; but since I > imported data sets from a larger contact data base that had evolved over > time, I ended up with stuff like this in my data base: > 1. [[tel:0033 (0) 4568-33]] > 2. [[tel:+49 (0)3 8899 66]] > 3. [[tel:0351 41295-35]] > 4. [[tel:0351/4129535]] > 5. [[tel:(0351) 412 95-35]] > > My filter function currently handles the cases 1. to 4. but (for no > other reason than carelessness) not 5. [...] Here is a re-work of the filter function that handles all off the above cases correctly. #+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp (defun trim-phone-number (phonenumber) "Remove whitespaces from a telephone number" (setq trimmed_phonenumber (mapconcat 'identity (split-string (mapconcat 'identity (split-string phonenumber "(0)") "") "[()/ -]") ""))) #+END_SRC I'm a Elisp newbie. I'm sure that there are smarter solutions to solve this problem. Regards -- Michael Strey www.strey.biz