Nicolas Goaziou writes:
> I understood your problem, but I needed to know how deep I had to change
> paragraph styles.

Pardon the noise.

> Would you mind testing the following patch? I added two new styles. Feel
> free to correct them if needed.

* The patch fixes the announced bug. Thank you!

All footnotes appear in Footnote style again, regardless of whether the
footnote definitions are located within the exported subtree.

This is an important fix, I think. The output was difficult to correct
within LibreOffice.

* The new styles don't seem to get applied

Quote and center blocks in footnotes do not get OrgFootnoteQuotations
style in my test. They remain Footnote.

(You didn't add any OrgFootnoteVerse style, but I tried it out anyway. A
verse block inside a footnote appears as OrgVerse.)

I include below a test Org fragment and attach the resulting ODT.

* Testing ODT with footnotes

This is a text, with classical footnotes.[fn:1] Some aspire to
poetry,[fn:2] others just seek typographic effect.[fn:3]

[fn:2] This is another footnote in the same subtree. It's followed by
a bit of doggerel.
  I think that I shall never see
  a poem lovely as a tree.

* Footnotes

[fn:1] This is a footnote. It should be in Footnote style in ODT
export. It's followed by a quote block.
  "I see that it is long", said Alice, "but how can a tail be sad?"

[fn:3] This is a third footnote followed by a center block.
  Centered text here.


Attachment: org.odt
Description: application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text

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