Hi! TL;DR: org-feed.el is not a doable replacement for Google Reader. What about alternatives?
I am using Google Reader with the Android app "NewsRob Pro" which is very good in terms of features that make sense and support my workflow. Google Reader will die in July and therefore NewsRob will die as well (or has to migrate to another server platform which is unlikely due to lack of time from the author). So I was thinking of using Emacs with or without Org-mode as a potential replacement. I basically live in Org-mode. Since I read RSS a *lot* on my Android devices (yes, even being at home), I'd love to have sync abilities between desktop Emacs and something like MobileOrg. I stumbled upon org-feed.el[1][2] and tried it with two of my RSS feeds (heise, Dilbert). It's working. In a way. Unfortunately, there is no (obvious) way of getting the feed content rather than the short description (for selected feeds). Images are not shown (Dilbert comic strip) and HTML fragments are all over the place making it hard to read the news. Since the resulting data did not fulfill basic requirements, I did not even bother and try to sync it to MobileOrg. Therefore, org-feed.el is not a replacement for Google Reader and NewsRob for my set of requirements at all. I wonder if there are a group of people having the same issue because of the demise of Google Reader and apps that sync from/to there. Any suggestions? Ideas? I'd prefer to think about having a solution which is hosted on my computers rather than having to re-do the switch when the next cloud based service stops working in a year or so. 1. http://orgmode.org/manual/RSS-Feeds.html 2. http://orgmode.org/worg/org-contrib/org-feed.html -- Karl Voit