I have an org file with R src block that spits out some file names to embed. I don't think I need to reproduce the block for testing purposes, but the gist is that I use cat() to spit out some =#+begin_center= and =[[filename]]= stuff.
R code block header: #+name: src-block-name #+begin_src R :session r :exports results :results output org I'm getting a results block like so: #+RESULTS: src-block-name #+BEGIN_SRC org [[./plots/filename1.pdf]] [[./plots/filename2.pdf]] [[./plots/filename3.pdf]] #+END_SRC I used this setup previously (and successfully) as described in this mailing list thread. That particular post described my near successful block, with the same sort of cat(paste()) commands I was using to output the filenames in [[filename.pdf]] orgmode syntax. The final success happened at the very end when Eric Schulte suggested I change from :results output raw to :results output org. - http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/emacs-orgmode/2012-08/msg01222.html Hence, I started with :results output org this time, but it didn't work. It's being exported verbatim using =C-c C-e l p=. (Appears in \begin{verbatim} ... \end{verbatim} in the output .tex file) If I change to :results output raw, I simply get: #+results [[filename.pdf]] This exports correctly. If I change the :results output org #+results block to the following, it also works correctly: #+begin_org [[filename.pdf]] #+end_org >From the ob-doc-R, it appears that orgmode export might be expecting #+begin_org, not #+begin_src org: - http://orgmode.org/worg/org-contrib/babel/languages/ob-doc-R.html #+begin_quote The Org Mode source code block specifies :results org so the output is wrapped in #+BEGIN_ORG … #+END_ORG. This way, arbitrary output can be included and easily replaced on subsequent evaluations of the source code block. #+end_quote Let me know the current proper way to accomplish what I'm trying to do. Thanks, John