Sorry, previous mail seems to have gotten munged, lets' try again. There is a bug with ox-latex and long listings. If the listing has a label (name) or caption, it is wrapped in a '\begin{listing}[H]' block. This causes listings longer than one page to be truncated if they have labels, which means you can't have callable code longer than one page (~40 lines for US Letter paper) and print it with minted.
The problem is on line 2178 of ox-latex: (when (or label caption) should probably be: (when caption An example document is below. rick --- #+TITLE: Test #+OPTIONS: H:3 num:nil toc:nil \n:nil @:t ::t |:t ^:{} -:t f:t *:t <:t * Setup and short examples :PROPERTIES: :EXPORTS: code :END: *NOTE:* Run this section to generate the long examples before generating the latex/pdf output. ** latex listing options #+BEGIN_SRC elisp :results silent (setq org-latex-listings 'minted org-latex-minted-options '(("linenos" "true") ("stepnumber" "5") ("numbersep" "0.25em") ("frame" "leftline") ("framerule" "1pt") ("rulecolor" "\\color{framecolor}"))) #+END_SRC ** source w/ no label #+BEGIN_SRC perl :eval never foreach my $i qw(with without) { print join( "\n", sprintf("* Long listing %s label", $i), ($i eq 'with' ? '#+name: long-listing' : ''), "#+BEGIN_SRC perl :exports code", (map { "print '$_'" } 1..60), "#+END_SRC\n", ); } #+END_SRC ** src w/ with label #+name: generate-listing #+BEGIN_SRC perl :results raw foreach my $i qw(with without) { print join( "\n", sprintf("* Long listing %s label", $i), ($i eq 'with' ? '#+name: long-listing' : ''), "#+BEGIN_SRC perl :exports code", (map { "print '$_'" } 1..60), "#+END_SRC\n", ); } #+END_SRC